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It is a short game using a popular concept but with a well handled magic twist, it lacks explanations about what makes it appealing but they are also understandable as you play and it handles its visual shortcomings very well with effects, music and text font that suits it. In conclusion, a good short game about making card pairs.

Oh my god i love you pfp!


I played medium difficulty. The cards kinda just flip over randomly sometimes, I think this is the magic effect mentioned, but it was hard to tell exactly what happened. Also at one point there were only 3 cards face down and I wasn't able to flip anymore over. I like the game concept as a whole though! Also side note, the viewport size for the browser is far larger than the unity window size. I had to zoom out a lot to play. Fun game!

thanks a lot for your feedback!!
yea the random flips are caused by the effects, I'm working on making it clearer visually that an effect has activated. And the view port should be fixed.
Once again thx for the feedback, im kinda new making games so any feedback is more than welcome!

yeah of course. I get it, it's hard to find people to play your games and comment.